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Updated as @ 8th February 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the sport we all love. Here you will find all the information players, umpires, coaches, clubs, schools and Associations need to know on the return to softball and what we're doing to keep everyone safe.

SOFTBALL NZ COVID-19 Guidelines:
Alert Level 3
Under COVID-19 Alert Level 3, no softball activity is allowed, including training, and workshops. Please continue to follow Ministry of Health guidelines, stay home in your bubbles and practice good hygiene. 

Alert Level 2
Softball is possible in Alert Level 2 subject to suitable player, volunteer, and environment preparations (such as changing rooms and clubrooms).

Mass gathering limits are to be strictly observed which means no person involved in a softball event (training, game, tournament, or festival) may be exposed to more than 100 people in a single day. This additional restriction is to acknowledge the increased risk with the Delta variant of COVID-19.

COVID-19 has put a temporary halt to sport impacting the end of the summer and start of the winter season. A number of codes, supported by Sport NZ, have now developed national guidelines to help manage scheduling challenges for both winter and summer codes. Season overlaps will impact secondary schools, local authorities grappling with grounds allocations, and also participants. By working together, the sport sector can successfully restructure season dates to keep the welfare and best interests of the participant in mind. Read the guidelines here.