FASTBALL 45® is a revolutionary new product that offers a faster and more intense version of softball for both men and women. It enhances the game by increasing the number of balls in play, double plays, scoring opportunities, and the points system, through modifications to traditional rules.
FASTBALL 45® is a dynamic game that continually adapts with the times. After each season, the rules are reviewed and adjusted to improve the overall experience for players. In 2020, a panel was formed to gather feedback from members and players through surveys. Based on this feedback, several rules were modified, and new rules were added.
If you are hosting a FASTBALL 45® event and interested in piloting and new rule, please contact Softball NZ.
- No balls are to be thrown around the infield during an innings changeover.
- Fourth inning - Runners on 1st and 3rd as opposed to a runner on first base.
- DH to be replaced with DP.
Offensive Power Play (change to rule in blue)
- Each team is allowed ‘one’ offensive power play.
- The Crew Chief will indicate a power play by pumping their fist above their head.
- The offensive team can reduce the defensive team by 1 player for two consecutive batters at any point in the game.
- - The two consecutive batters cannot run into the next inning.
- - Coaches are required to notify the Home Plate Umpire of their intention to initiate the power play prior to a new batter stepping up to the plate. The power play cannot be applied during an at bat.
- The defensive team will then remove one player from the field for the next two consecutive batters (not outs).
- The same defensive player is removed for both batters.
- If the defensive player removed is an infielder, they are to return to their dugout
- If the defensive player removed is an outfielder, they are to move to the fence in foul territory
- If a “live” ball is touched by the removed fielder, then the batter-runner, if applicable, and all other base runners will be awarded two bases, unless, in the umpire’s judgement, a fair batted ball would have been a homerun, in which case all runners will score. NB the defensive player interfering in this way will receive a Red Card
- Once the power play has concluded no more are available for that team.
Download the official Rules of FASTBALL 45® here.
- 45 mins or 4 innings
- 3 balls and 3 strikes
- 3 outs per inning
- Double play clears an inning
- Runner(s) starting on base every inning
- Double points for successful squeeze plays
- Base runners able to lead off earlier
- Offensive power plays
- Offensive declaration
- Yellow and red cards
- 4 Umpires and 2 Scorers.
