Lucy McIntyre

SNZ AWARDS - 5-350

Lucy McIntyre is well known in the softball community, not only for her great achievements on the field, but her cheeky personality off the diamond. Lucy is a proud Southlander who has always stayed true to her character no matter where she lives, who she is around and at what level she plays. While not being one to be demanding of attention, her cheeky character is infectious to those she encounters, having an excellent attitude and rapport with players and officials. She is honest, to the point and not afraid to speak her mind, which makes for a refreshing encounter for all that have the pleasure to cross paths with her. Lucy is friendly, jovial, fun to be around and relates to people of all ages. She serves many roles within softball; being a member of the Halswell Hornets Premier women's team, Canterbury Red Hawks team and NZ White Sox Squad.

During the year, Lucy has stepped up into a leadership role in the Canterbury Red Hawks team, being authorities and knowledgeable about the sport, whilst creating great comradery. She has helped to get key elements of the campaign across the line, going above and beyond the usual player roles. Many would agree this character, Lucy, is well deserving of the SNZ Personality of the Year for 2024.