Tunisia Anderson

SNZ AWARDS - 2-797

The Counties Manukau Softball Association has benefited from Tunisia’s passion, dedication and knowledge. Tunisia has worked tirelessly as a pillar of the Counties community, and has become the wearer of many hats. This season alone has seen her take on the position of secretary for both Papakura Rhinos, and Papakura Patriots Softball Clubs, but also the Treasury position at the Counties Manukau Softball Association. It has been an outstanding year of growth and development for Counties, where Tunisia was instrumental with securing funding for individual players, clubs and representative teams as Association treasurer - as well as her significant involvement with 15 squads in a managerial and/or coaching role.

Tunisia has an amazing vision for the growth of softball within her region, and is a fantastic connecter of people. She has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to make the softball more accessible to players not only within her home clubs and associations, but going into representative and national programmes where she offers support for clinics, sponsors for trips and rides to players. Her track record this season speaks for itself, demonstrating an outstanding commitment to the game in the form of coaching, administrative and volunteer work- managing all these roles alongside a fulltime job, and being mother to five beautiful daughters.

Tunisia is recognised for having integrity, strong leadership and great business acumen which have all contributed to the sustainability and growth of softball in the Counties region. Tunisia Anderson - ‘Administrator of the Year’ for 2024.